Game controller

This device is a gyroscopic controller for computer games, which I have done as part of my thesis. The work consists of a controller, a library that supports communication between controller and computer and game using this controller. The controller consists of a micro-controller (AVR family), digital gyroscope, 6 buttons and the Bluetooth module, through which it communicates with the computer.The micro-controller continuously collects data from digital gyroscope and sends the measurements to the computer through Bluetooth module.A computer with a Bluetooth module receives this information using the serial communication profile.The data is interpreted by a program (which is using my library written in .NET) and used in the game to control virtual spaceship.

Controller schematic

Gyroscope module board

Controller top view

Controller bottom view

Photo of whole device

I've made some videos during the development. It's on youtube you can see it below. When I uploaded it people asked me many questions. Then I realized this digital gyroscope was new staff and many people didn't know how to actually use it :P

And here is the game. It was very simple concept but as you play things are getting hard. You can view the record score. My friends wanted to play this game even without the controller. In this game you most defend the space ship in the center from asteroids but watch out, they can kill you to :P

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